Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SBLPs Tales of Phantasia (GBA) Episode 5: A Little More Conversation

A little less action.

Tales of Phantasia (c) 1994, 1998, 2003 Namco (off by one previously)

Cheat-enabled run. Not intended to substitute for actual gameplay. Support the official release.

Note: again...I'm sorry about the sound issues.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

SBLPs Tales of Phantasia (GBA) Episode 4: Ack!?

The jailbreak continues, now with questionable punctuation and violence inherent in the system.

Tales of Phantasia (c) 1994, 98, 2002 Namco

This playthrough is purely for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace actual gameplay. So please support the official release. Also, just a reminder: cheat-enabled run. By now, you know why.

Note: Alas, more ear-rapeyness. I still have no idea why that's going on, but hopefully I'll have that figured out by Ep 8. But at least it's not a complete loss of sound, right?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

SBLPs Tales of Phantasia (GBA) Episode 3: How Not To Wield a Sword

A story of betrayal, family, and finding swords in macabre places.

Tales of Phantasia (c) 1994, 98, 2002 Namco

Cheats-enabled run. Focus is on storyline and gameplay, not my skill (or lack thereof.)

This playthrough is purely for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace personal gameplay. Please support the official releases.

Note: Yes, more audio issues in this. ...You know what, just roll with it. It could be worse.

Monday, December 5, 2011

SBLPs Tales of Phantasia (GBA) Episode 2: Emotional Moment Cliche

Let this be a lesson to you all. Emotions can turn a bright and sunny day into a thunderstorm at the drop of a hat.

Tales of Phantasia (c) 1994, 98, 2002 Namco

This LP is for entertainment purposes only and cannot replace actual gameplay. And good thing, too, because no one plays like me (not a boast).

Bottom line here: please support any of the official releases.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

SBLPs Tales of Phantasia (GBA) Episode 1: Once More With Feeling

Got the bugs out of the system...and the woods.

Tales of Phantasia(c) 1994, 1998, 2002 Namco

This is a REBOOT of the Tales of Phantasia (SNES) LP (due to audio issues), and since I am using a different version, some content will differ.

Cheats enabled; this is due to my "gameplay and storyline take precedence" philosophy.

Release schedule is tentatively Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Subject to change relative to my work schedule.

Occasional coarse language and mature humor; viewer discretion advised.